Meaning of two words What difference between shiver and tremble?
2014年4月18日 06:12
訂正 · 6

Meaning of two words

What is/are the differences between shiver and tremble?


<em>Shiver usually refers to the human reflex - the rapid contraction of muscles designed to fight cold</em>


<em>Tremble can refer to weakness or disability, or to leaves in the wind, or to earth(quake); it also refers to danger or fear, and can refer to human reaction.</em>


<em>Tremble is more likely to be used as a verb than a noun, whereas shiver can be either, equally.</em>



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From Google dictionary: Interestingly, when you look up "shiver," "tremble" is given as a synonym, but not vice versa. shiv·er verb 1. (of a person or animal) shake slightly and uncontrollably as a result of being cold, frightened, or excited. "they shivered in the damp foggy cold" synonyms: tremble, quiver, shake, shudder, quaver, quake noun: shiver; plural noun: shivers 1. a momentary trembling movement. "she gave a little shiver as the wind flicked at her bare arms" trem·ble ˈ verb 1. shake involuntarily, typically as a result of anxiety, excitement, or frailty. "Isobel was trembling with excitement" synonyms: shake, shake like a leaf, quiver, twitch, jerk; 2. be in a state of extreme apprehension. "I tremble to think that we could ever return to conditions like these" synonyms: be afraid, be frightened, be apprehensive, worry, shake in one's boots; More (of a person's voice) sound unsteady or hesitant. 3. shake or quiver slightly. "the earth trembled beneath their feet" synonyms: shake, shudder, quake, wobble, rock, vibrate, move, sway, totter, teeter; noun noun: tremble; plural noun: trembles; plural noun: the trembles 1. a trembling feeling, movement, or sound. "there was a slight tremble in his voice" synonyms: tremor, shake, shakiness, trembling, quiver, quaking, twitch, vibration, unsteadiness More antonyms: steadiness 2. informal a physical or emotional condition marked by trembling.
They are very similar, but when talking about people, shiver is often associated with shaking from being cold and tremble is often associated with shaking out of fear.
Both same meaning..