Dreams about the future - Essay (Correct please ^^) Most people have their future plans, dreams, things which they want to realize some day. Actually, this question is part of our lives: people ask it all the time to everyone. For example, at the age of 5, I remember my teacher asking me and my friends: "What are your dreams about the future?" Our answer? "I want to be a princess, a cowboy, a pirate...", of course :) As we grow up, answering this question gets harder and harder. For example when we were 9 years old, we wished to be an actress. When we were 12, a vet or a teacher. And well, later, sometimes we don't really know. But we definitely have dreams. Will we succeed in realizing them? I guess we'll see... At least I will do whatever it takes to realize mine. Well one thing that I love is travelling: meeting new people, learning new things, trying new things out... Therefore I wish to leave France to study and to live in another country. One city in particular: New York. I think this city is beautiful, magical, huge... She makes me feel like I can do anything. Indeed, they say that in New York every dream comes true. Moreover, as I love speaking English, leaving there would be great. But I have to improve my level to be fluent in English ;) Concerning all the other things, everyone dreams about a "happily ever after": finding true love, having a family and great friends, being happy... even if fairytales don't happen in real life. But I'm convinced that our lives will be what we want them to be. And if we really want to succeed in the future, I'm sure we can find a way if we believe in ourselves :) An essay about dreams to see if I'm able to write on this topic. Thanks for correcting ;)
2014年7月13日 19:09
訂正 · 8

Dreams about the future - Essay (Correct please ^^)

Most people have their future plans, dreams, things which they want to realize some day. Actually, this question is part of our lives: people ask it all the time to everyone. For example, at the age of 5, I remember my teacher asking me and my friends: "What are your dreams about the future?" Our answer? "I want to be a princess, a cowboy, a pirate...", of course :)
As we grow up, answering this question gets harder and harder. For example when we were 9 years old, our wish was to become an actresswe wished to be an actress. When we were 12, a vet or a teacher. And well, later, sometimes we don't even really know. But we definitely have dreams. Will we succeed in realizing them? I guess we'll see... At least I will do whatever it takes to realize mine.

Well one thing that I love is travelling: meeting new people, learning new things, trying new things out... Therefore I wish to leave France to study and to live in another country. One city in particular: New York. I think this city is beautiful, magical, huge... She makes me feel like I can do anything. Indeed, they say that in New York every dream comes true. Moreover, as I love speaking English, leaving living there would be great. But I have to improve my level to be fluent in English ;)

Concerning all the other things, everyone dreams about a "happily ever after ending": finding true love, having a family and great friends, being happy... even if fairytales don't happen in real life. But I'm convinced that our lives will be what we want them to be. And if we really want to succeed in the future, I'm sure we can find a way if we believe in ourselves :)

An essay about dreams to see if I'm able to write on this topic. Thanks for correcting ;)


Dreams about the future - Essay (Correct please ^^)

Most people have their future plans, dreams, things which they want to realize some day. Actually, this question is <em>part</em> of our lives: people ask it of anyone at any time all the time to everyone. For example, at the age of 5, I remember my teacher asking me and my friends: "What are your dreams about for the future?" Our answers? "I want to be a princess, a cowboy, a pirate...", of course :)
As we grow up, answering this question gets harder and harder. For example when we were 9 years old, we perhaps wished to be an actress and when we were at 12, a vet or a teacher. And well, later, sometimes we don't really know. But we definitely have dreams. Will we succeed in realizing them? I guess we'll see... At least I will do whatever it takes to realize mine.

Well one thing that I love is travelling: meeting new people, learning new things, trying new things out... Therefore I wish to leave France to study and to live in another country. One city in particular: New York. I think this city is beautiful, magical, huge... She makes me feel like I can do anything. Indeed, they say that in New York every dream comes true. Moreover, as I love speaking English, leaving(?) living there would be great. But <em>(overdoing the use of conjunctions starting a sentence - occasionally is ok, but not this often, and 'no buts'! haha)</em> first I have to improve my English level, and become to be fluent in English ;)

Concerning all the <em>other</em> things<em>(? what did you want to say in this phrase? What other things?),</em> everyone dreams about of a "happily ever after": , of finding true love, having a family and great friends, being happy... even if/though fairytales don't happen in real life. But I'm convinced that our lives will can be what we want them to be. And If we really want to succeed in the future, I'm sure we can find a way if as long as <em>(avoiding the double 'if')</em> we believe in ourselves :)

An essay about dreams to see if I'm able to write on this topic. Thanks for correcting ;)

IF you have the fortitude. Not IS, sorry for the typo
Hi Claire, I agree with Kurt, this is a very well written essay. I also think that Clara's "our wish was to become an actress" is a good suggestion. The other changes she made were very minor and, in my opinion, aren't grammatical changes but merely stylistic ones. Being from New York, I can tell you first hand that dreams only come true here with hard work and perseverance, as anywhere else! There are, however, plenty of opportunities is you have the fortitude to take advantage of them! Good luck!
Thank you :)