Letter in Hand Writing I received a letter from my friend's two-year-old daughter. There were only sixteen characters on each two papers because her letters were too big to fit in there more of it. That was so lovely include some mistakes on characters. I knew once more that a letter of hand writing vibrate my heart more than email. 友人の2才の子供から手紙をもらいました。 文字が大きすぎて、2枚の紙にそれぞれ16文字程度しか文字が書いてありませんでした。平仮名の間違いも含めてとても可愛らしいく感じました。やはり、手書きの手紙はEメールよりも心に響きますね。
2014年8月23日 04:08
訂正 · 2



A Hand Written Letter


I received a letter from my friend's two-year-old daughter.

There were only sixteen characters on each of the two pages. Her characters were so large, no more could fit on each page. I thought the mistakes she made were beautiful for me to read. I know in my heart that a hand written letter, touches my heart, much more than an email.


