LIVING ALONE O SHARING A FLAT Many people consider that living alone is better than sharing a flat and I agree. In my opinion is esier living by yourself because nobody disturbs you. If you live by yourself you can go out or in when you want, and nobody bothers you. However if you decide to have a flatmate you have to look for a support person. In may case somebody Tidy, friendly and cheerful. I can´t aford people bad-mannered, untidy, slob and selfish. The most important thing before sharing a flat is divide the housework. You have to make a timetable with the domestic chore. Set a rote explaining what to do in every week distributing the household. For example: I will do the shopping once a week, I will set the table every day, I will clean the tolilet twiece a week and do the vacuum cleaning at the weekend. And your flatmate could wash the dishes and take the rubbish out every evening after dinner, do the washing-up at less twiece a week and do the ironing at the weekend Normally, people does nothing. And at the end likely you will do everything and angry. The best thing of sharing a flat is that you save money. But I think doesn´t worth it. In conclusion I prefer living by my owm that sharing a flat, although I will spend more money, I will be calm. What is your opinion? are you agree with me? Lots of love Ana
2014年8月25日 11:11
訂正 · 4



Many people consider living alone is better than sharing a flat and I agree. In my opinion it is easier living by yourself because nobody disturbs you.

If you live by yourself you can come and go whenever you want and nobody bothers you.

However if you decide to have a flatmate you have to look for a suitable person. In my case this would be somebody who is tidy, friendly and cheerful. I can´t abide people who are bad-mannered, untidy, messy and selfish.

The most important thing about sharing a flat is to divide the housework. You have to make a timetable outlining the domestic chores. Set a rota explaining what needs to be done everyweek.

For example: I will do the shopping once a week, I will set the table every day, I will clean the tolilet twice a week and do the vacuum cleaning at the weekend.

And your flatmate could wash the dishes and take the rubbish out every evening after dinner, do the washing-up at least twice a week and do the ironing at the weekend

Normally, people don't do anything.  And at the end it is likely you will do everything and be angry.
The best thing about sharing a flat is that you save money. But I think it isn't worth it.

In conclusion I prefer living on my own than sharing a flat, although I will spend more money, I will be calm.

What is your opinion? Do you agree with me?

Lots of love




Many people consider that living alone is better than sharing a flat and I agree. In my opinion it is easier living by yourself because nobody disturbs you.

If you live by yourself you can go out or in when you want, and nobody bothers you.

However if you decide to have a flatmate you have to look for a support person. In my case somebody who is tidy, friendly and cheerful. I can´t afford people bad-mannered, untidy, slobbish and selfish.

The most important thing before sharing a flat is dividing the housework. You have to make a timetable with the domestic chores. Set a rote explaining what to do in every week throughout the household.

For example: I will do the shopping once a week, I will set the table every day, I will clean the toilet twice a week and do the vacuum cleaning on the weekend.

And your flatmate could wash the dishes and take the rubbish out every evening after dinner, do the washing-up at less twice a week and do the ironing on the weekend

Normally, people do nothing. And at the end likely you will likely do everything and be angry.
The best thing of sharing a flat is that you save money. But I think it isn'tworth it.

In conclusion I prefer living on my own to sharing a flat, although I will spend more money, I will be calm.

What is your opinion? do you agree with me?

Lots of love


si el auto no funciona, quíen te lleva al trabajo? si tienes dolor, quíen va al mercado para comprar medicina? Quizás tus vecinos en el mismo apartamento? Es muy duro estar solo
