Lili Aulina
Bad Day when i going to the campus, i met my teacher and she gave me my paper which i give her a week ago. i very surprised, when there was much correction in my paper. she said to me that i should correct it again. oh my God
2014年9月21日 04:01
訂正 · 5

Bad Day

When I going went to the campus, I met my teacher.  and She gave me back my paper which I give gave her a week ago. I was very surprised, when because there [was much correction in] [were many corrections on] my paper.  She said to told me that I should correct it again. Oh my God!

I'm sorry you had a bad day.  I hesitated to give you more corrections, but I think we learn best by knowing what mistakes we've made!  Please don't be discouraged.  I understood what you wrote, and making yourself understood is what is most important.  Spelling, grammar, and punctuation are just details.  You will learn them as long as you don't give up!  Your teacher is trying to help you.  If she didn't care, she wouldn't have taken the time to correct your paper!

Here are a few things you can work on:

--In English, the personal pronoun "I" is always capitalized.  

--You're having a little trouble with the tenses of verbs.  Verb tenses are difficult to master in every language.  I am struggling to learn them in French.  My best advice is to practice, practice, practice.

I think you're doing great!  :-D  Joy



A Bad Day

When I went to campus, I met my teacher. She gave me my paper which I gave her a week ago. I was very surprised, when there was much correction in my paper. she told me that I should correct it again. Oh my God.



Always make sure your verbs are in the past when you talk about something that happened in the past.

I put " told" instead of "said " just becasue I think it sounds better. You may want to check the rules for "repoting verbs."
