Nguyễn Thị
Migration It is widely held perception that immigrants should abandon their own ways and adapt new local customs in their adopted country; personally, I totally agree with this point of view. It is so crucial for newcomers to get a deeply understanding about some basic culture of their adopted country so that they can easily adapt to new environment. If immigrants do not have any rules or vital knowledge of the new country, searching for a job or communicating with native people seems a big barrier. Instead abandoning their own behaviors and integrate into new place can bring them more opportunities to succeed as well as avoid some unwanted conflicts among people at work or in public. Therefore, to emerge in a new environment requires immigrants to know essential changes.
2014年12月28日 03:20
訂正 · 4


It is a widely held perception that immigrants should abandon their own ways and adapt new local customs in their adopted country; personally, I totally agree with this point of view. It is so crucial for newcomers to get a deeply understanding about some basic aspects of the culture of their adopted country so that they can easily adapt to the new environment. If immigrants do not have any rules or vital knowledge of the new country, searching for a job or communicating with natives people seems like a big barrier. Instead, abandoning their own behaviors and integrating into a new place can bring them more opportunities to succeed, as well as avoid some unwanted conflicts among people at work or in public. Therefore, being able to emerge in a new environment requires immigrants to know essential changes differences.



It is widely held perception belief that immigrants should abandon their own ways and adapt to new local customs in their adopted country.; Personally, I totally agree with this point of view. It is so crucial for newcomers to get gain a deeply understanding about some basic cultural aspects of their adopted country so that they can easily adapt to their new environment. If immigrants do not have know any of the rules or have vital knowledge of the new country, searching for a job or communicating with native people seems like a big barrier. Instead, abandoning their own behaviors and integrating into the new place can bring them more opportunities to succeed as well as help them avoid some unwanted conflicts among people at work or in public. Therefore, to emerge in a new environment requires immigrants to make know essential changes.


This was very well written! Here are a few notes about my edits:

1. I changed "perception" to "belief," because a perception is an impression of something (such as "immigrants who don't learn local customs are ignorant"), whereas a belief is an opinion like the one you stated.

2. I deleted your semicolon (;) because when reading this entry aloud, it sounds better with a complete stop after "adopted country." Otherwise, it becomes a very long thought.

3. I changed "get" to "gain," because "gain an understanding" is a very common phrasing for that idea.
