Yogyakarta If you are intending to visit Java -the most populated island in Indonesia- it is worth enough to spend few days in Yogyakarta, a city in the center of the island. From there, you can make wonderful 1-day excursions. For example it is very recommended to visit Borobudur -a 9th-century Buddhist Temple- and Prambanan -a 9th-century Hindu Temple-. Also Yogyakarta has an interesting atmosphere, specially Malioboro Street, a crowded 2-km avenue where you can buy handcrafted souvenirs, eat traditional food and enjoy and listening from live music. And if you like diving don't miss a trip to Parangtritis, a beautiful beach 40 km from the city.
2015年1月29日 15:36
訂正 · 2


If you are intending to visit Java -the most populous/heavily populated island in Indonesia- it is worthwhile

<em>I won't continue - see my other correction, same article</em>


<em>Whoops - were there two of the same notebook entry? - this one looks VERY familiar!</em>



If you are intending to visit Java -the most populated island in Indonesia- (here is the correct use for hyphens) it is worth enough to spending a few days in Yogyakarta, a city in the center of the island. From there, you can take wonderful 1-day excursions. For example it is very highly recommended to visit Borobudur, a 9th-century Buddhist Temple, and Prambanan a 9th-century Hindu Temple (no need to use the hyphens like this, use commas). Also Yogyakarta has an interesting atmosphere, especially Malioboro Street, a crowded 2km (no need for hyphen here either) avenue where you can buy handcrafted souvenirs, eat traditional food and enjoy and listening from to live music. And if you like diving don't miss a trip to Parangtritis, a beautiful beach 40km from the city.
