Understanding how to learn foreign language Hi people It has passed time I don't check this website. As I mention in my profile I'm studying computer science and I'm making a thesis, focused in Natural Language Processing. Don't get bored, I won't explain the entire area, I just realised this subject is deeply related on understanding a language (in a general way). I've readed a lot of articles about making lexicons, stopwords lists, counting words, all of them computer approaches but another is the "human approach" related with concepts, context, mind maps.How does the brain think to express an idea? I found out that during all my ELS classes I never learnt differences and likenesses between to languages and I considerer it important because we always use examples to learn and when something new appears brain transforms and fits it to our previous knowlegde. When we are beginners we always try identifying grammar structures which is good, but not enough, I'll memorized several of them and approved my exams then I forget them. One day I had a dream where I was talking english (first time) and I was happy because, despicting I was speaking basic english, any spanish word crossed my mind just concepts and ideas, like if I was a native speaker (It appeared to me strange by the way). Since then I try to make connections with events and objects, not only words but the whole sentence. It's always possible to mix up languages, and it's good sign, your brain is linking concepts that before were instrinsically linked with one language. Everytime I want to know a little about a specific language I do a research: firstly history (origins), then writting (characters), speaking (how does every symbol and group of symbols sound like). At least I'll have backgrounds.
2015年2月25日 05:47
訂正 · 2

Understanding how to learn foreign language

Hi people
It has passed Time has passed and I donhaven't checked this website.

As I mentioned in my profile, I'm studying computer science and I'm makwriting a thesis, focused onin Natural Language Processing. Don't get bored, I won't explain the entire area,. I just realised this subject is deeply related onto understanding a language (in a general way). I've readed a lot of articles about making lexicons, stopwords lists, counting words, all of them computer approaches, but another is the "human approach" related withinvolving concepts, context, and mind maps.How does the brain think to express an idea?

I found out that during all my ELS classes that I never learnt differences and likenesses between two to languages and I considerer it important because we always use examples to learn and when something new appears brain transforms and fits it to our previous knowledgeknowlegde. When we are beginners we always try identifying grammar structures which is good, but not enough,. I'll memorized several of them and approvedafter my exams then I forget them. One day I had a dream where I was talking English (first time) and I was happy because, despitedespicting I was speaking basic English, any Spanish word that crossed my mind was just concepts and ideas, like if I was a native speaker. (It appeared to me strange by the way). Since then I try to make connections with events and objects, not only words, but the whole sentence. It's always possible to mix up languages, and it's good sign, your brain is linking concepts that before were instrinsically linked with one language.

Every time I want to know a little about a specific language I do a research: firstly history (origins), then writting (characters), speaking (how does every symbol and group of symbols sound like). At least I'll have backgrounds for further learning.

This is very interesting, Juan. Thanks for sharing.