Disastrous journey. I have a close friend that he went to work to Canarias. He is a basketball coach and we lost touch for six months. Last year, your team visited Bilbao to play a regular season match against the local team. Bilbao is the closest place where they play. I thought that could be a good excuse to get in touch with him again. The match day he sent me a whatsapp and he told me that tickets were inside a envelope with my name in a box-office but I shouldn't be late to pick them up. I set off on my car towards Bilbao with my wife two and half hours before the match start. It takes about an hour to get. When we were near to Bilbao, we were going in the wrong direction because in the motorway there was a roads works and didn't have a exit to turn round for many kilometres. Finally we could leave the motorway but now we didn’t know where we were. After we asked a lot of people, we decided go back in the opposite direction but we had another problem. The car run out petrol. It was getting worse! So, we needed a petrol station to fill up the car. A few hours later that we had started the journey, we had been able to arrive, although I couldn’t find a parking near because were full all parkings. Therefore, we walk for 20 minutes plus until Bilbao Arena. We had tired and finally angry too because we arrived in the last quarter of the game. Anyway, we were with our friend after the match, and when I told him the awful journey that I had had, he told me that I couldn't leave the village without a satnav.
2015年3月1日 21:04
訂正 · 2

Disastrous journey.

I have a close friend  who went to work in the Canary Islands Canarias. He is a basketball coach and we lost touch for six months. Last year, your team visited Bilbao to play a regular season match against the local team. Bilbao is the closest place where they play. I thought that could be a good excuse to get in touch with him again. The match day he sent me a whatsapp and he told me that tickets were inside a envelope with my name on them at a box-office but I shouldn't be late to pick them up.
I set off on my car towards Bilbao with my wife two and half hours before the match started. It takes about an hour to get there. When we were near to Bilbao, we were going in the wrong direction because in the motorway there was a roadwork and didn't have a exit to turn round for many kilometers. Finally we could leave the motorway but now we didn’t know where we were. After we asked a lot of people, we decided go back in the opposite direction but we had another problem. The car run out petrol (USA: gas). It was getting worse! So, we needed to find a petrol station to fill up the car. A few hours later after we had started the journey, we were able to arrive, although I couldn’t find a parking near the event  because all the lots were full. Therefore, we walked for 20 minutes plus until we got to the Bilbao Arena. We were tired and finally angry too because we arrived in the last quarter of the game. Anyway, we were with our friend after the match, and when I told him about the awful journey that I had had, he told me that I couldn't leave the village without a satnav.
