Daniel Caldas
Come Home, Europeans- A Summary of Foreign Affairs magazine Edoardo Camponella made a essay in wich reports one problem that concerns europeans, "brain drain".Since the introductions of the euro, more qualified workers have left the Europe than newly arrived. The problem is faced mostly in Italia, Greece, Ireland, and Portugal, but until 2.020, Germay´s economic also will be affected. The euro crisis worsened what he named "hemorrage" of talent, and policymakers are trying reduce this frame. For example, in 2011, the European Comission lauched the "Blue Card", modeled on the U.S. Green Card, and their expectations were bring twenty millions of new brains, but it didn't work, because the program reachs just twenty thousand of people. Then, the newest try is reimigration. The idea is to atractt europeans that live and work in others continents, and for this, they will receive a range of incentives. Otherwise, that is a controversial solution, because this person that will return might prefer to move to the more stable countries. That's a hard problem to solve in Europe nowadays.
2015年3月2日 16:36