Should we chase fashion trends Nowadays many people follow fashion trends and think that it’s very important. Is it a good or a bad development? Include reasons and examples from your personal experience. At present a large percentage of population, especially those from developed areas or countries, believe that it is absolutely essential to follow fashion trends. While following trends can be a good development, it would be no good for either a society or individuals if they went too further. Fashion is a distinctive and often habitual trend in styles in which people dress. Pursuing it is quite common in modern societies where most people are out of poverty. This phenomenon may fuel economic growth to some extent. For instance, designing, producing and selling fashionable clothing have become a major industry around the world. Today people’s choosing to buy new clothing may not because of the lack of them. In most cases, it is due to the fact that the clothing they already have is out-dated. This, obviously, can promote the industry. On the other hand, there could have some troubles in pursuit of trends. I would say something upon my personal experience. I have an uncle who has a 16-year-old daughter, attending middle school. Their family is not very rich, but the young girl asked her father to buy her a newest model of iPhone, which would amount to her father two month’s income. Although the father was not very willing to do so, he bought it for her child finally which means a few month of hard time of their family. In conclusion, chasing trends can benefit the society in some way. But when a person is deciding whether or not to do it, he or she should take his or her own personal financial situation into consideration.
2015年3月5日 07:39