take off Tengo un problema con este phrasal verb, ¿qué forma sería más correcta? - I take off my coat. - I take my coat off. Y ¿cuándo es necesario colocarlo al final de la frase? - A new movie that really took off.
2015年3月27日 18:53
訂正 · 3

Hola. Deberías poner esta pregunta en la sección de las respuestas. Me gustaría ayudarte, pero sé cómo explicarlo muy bien. Lo siento.

Both sentences are correct. I took off my coat. I took my coat off. They are the same. took off is at the end of the sentence because it has no direct or indirect object. The other sentence uses "my coat" as a direct object. "Took off" in the second sentence is describing the movie. If it helps to replace "took off" with another verbal phrase such as: The new movie "was great", and that can help you see where to place it in the sentence. Phrasal verbs are very difficult, especially when there are direct and indirect objects :-) I hope I helped!
Hola Pedro, Las frases son igual, pero la más común es la segunda. (´Take´es en el tenso presente) " I took my coat off" (Pasado) A new (movie, song, fashion) that really took off. Cualquier cosa que se convierte inmediatamente popular.