A DAY I go to a hospital today.Wow,there are so many people .I wait two hours to have a body check.But what makes me happy is that the result of the check is I am healthy.
2015年4月21日 02:32
訂正 · 5


I go to the hospital today. Wow, there are so many people! I have to wait two hours to have a body check, but happily, the result of the check is that I am healthy.



I went to the hospital today.Wow,there were so many people there.I waited two hours to get a checkup. But what makes me happy is that the result of the check is I am healthy.


good job, remember verbs you finish go to past tense. now we dont know how many people are at the hospital but when you were there, there was many. 


 we use The for single things that are somehow special. that hospital is special because it is the one you went to so we use "the". for instance "the chair im sitting on". its special because im sitting on it. 


we usually say a doctor gives a checkup, so, we get a checkup from the doctor.


still really a good job!



I went to the hospital today and it was too crowded! I waited two hours for a body check but fortunately, the results were really good and I am healthy.



I hope you like my point of view. Congratulations on being healthy!

I'm glad to hear that you're perfectly healthy haha. You did well in your post although I was slightly confused with the phrasing. The phrasing you used seemed more appropriate for paste tense verbs rather than present tense. Other than that, it was a good post and I hope to see more from you. If you have any questions feel free to message me. :)