What is the name of this church in Rotterdam? During my trip, I saw this church on my way back to airport. I am trying to find out its name. Can someone enlighten me please? Clue: I got line 33 from central train station to airport and I saw this on the left side of the road. Note: I know I should have "asked a question" instead of "writing a note" but I couldnt upload a photo from question page.
2015年5月14日 20:03
訂正 · 4

What is the name of this church in Rotterdam?

During my trip, I saw this church on my way back to the airport. I am trying to find out its name. Can someone enlighten me please?

Clue: I got line 33 from central train station to airport and I saw this on the left side of the road.

Note: I know I should have "asked a question" instead of "writing a note" but I couldnt upload a photo from question page.

I'll ask around.