Hello world! My first post, and some words about me So.. Hi everyone! I'm not a public man - I don't use twitter, don't like to repost news, I haven't got a blog.. And I completely don't know about what to write here now. But I'll try to do my best :) I learn English approximately for two years (school and uni lessons doesn't count - they were totally useless) - reading books, doing tasks like word-translate, studying grammar.. But when there comes a moment where I need to say something on English, I begin to slow down. Cant say anything. So I decide that I need a real practice of using verbal and writing english somewhere. And here I am :)
2015年8月3日 12:43
訂正 · 1

Corrections in red; stylistics and variants in blue.

Hello world! My first post, and some words about me

Hi everyone!
I'm not a public man - I don't use Twitter, don't like to repost news, and I haven't got a blog.. And I completely don't know about what to write here now. But I'll try to do my best :)
I have been learning/studying [1] English for approximately for two years (school and university lessons don't count - they were totally useless) - reading books, doing tasks like word translation, studying grammar.. But when there comes a time when I need to say something in English, I begin to slow down. I can't say anything.
So I decided that I need a real practice of using verbal and written English somewhere.
And here I am :)


[1]  When an action began in the past, and continues to the present, it is appropriate to use either the present perfect tense or the present perfect progressive (continuous) tense.  The progressive variant is especially good when you want to emphasize the process.  That is what you did in your post; you described the process in detail: "reading books, doing tasks...., studying grammar."  So that's why I like the present perfect progressive in your sentence.
