Introducing myself My name is Pierre. I am 36 years old. This is my first piece of writing after I graduated from college. You may ask why I would learn English at this age of 36 (I really hope someone may ask), it is because one day my wife told me that I always have nothing to do in the leisure time, but only watching TV, Playing with my rabbits, playing TV games and cell phone. This conversation really gave me a shock as she has been doing the same things such like me. After that, I began to think what I should do instead of just wasting my precious lifetime. I thought and thought. For almost ten days in a row, I did not get a wink of sleep. Suddenly a great idea flashed through my mind, what I needed to do was doing some meaningful things. At last I decided to learn English and Mandarin so that I could make more friends and learn different cultures.
2015年8月29日 11:12
訂正 · 4
Pierre, dont you think, 张学友 sang and spoke out the most beautiful cantoon...taal...粤语:) it really touched the very depth of my heart. wow... 心灵感触。。。。。。粤语歌。。。 here:http://www.letv.com/ptv/vplay/1948112.html#vid=1948112
台湾的普通话 is like candy:) don‘t eat too much sweet, otherwise you will get 牙洞 or say 龋齿 in your teeth:)
Susan Mandarin 我同意你的講法, 不同地方有不同地方口音的普通話, 因為我喜歡睇台灣電視節目, 所以想學台灣的普通話 :)
:) this is such a sweet family story:)) i got smile on my face...i havent got this sweet joy for a while. nice! you great!! 甜蜜家庭万岁!喜欢学习普通话吗? Hope so. They strangely called it Mandarin Chinese..."真逗~" or "真歌儿~ ".But these two words are the local dialect from city Tian Jin, you know Tianjin...not pure Mandarin. Tian Jin- that's the place during the time of 甲午战争,八国联军近逼北京时 的进攻入口(OK,not too pleasant to recall but a bit fact of Chinese history, i think you may already knew) . just try to say ...Mandarin Chinese is different from other local dialect in China. we are very rich in all sorts of accent in Chinese :0) such as Cantonese:) such different sounds.... to my ear:) but very lovely too!!