Carmen G.F
Celebration of easter I have the lucky to live in a city with a wonderful celebration of Easter. It’s a southern city full of orange tree that bloom on this season of the year, and the whole city smells of orange blossom perfume (azahar). Since I was a child I looked forward enjoyed these days, my mother made exquisite sweets and traditional easter meal and we met the whole family to enjoy together the representations that run through the street about the passion of Crist. First with my parents and now with my children. My parents taught me to know and move through the narrow streets of this city full of people and tourist during these days and respect the traditions and celebrations, and now I am teaching to my children. Every Easter holiday I enjoy of my city and my family and all are beautiful.
2015年9月3日 21:38
訂正 · 4

Celebration of Easter

I have the good fortune/I am lucky to live in a city with a wonderful celebration of Easter. It’s a southern city, full of orange trees that bloom on at this time/in this season of the year, and the whole city smells of orange blossom perfume (azahar). Since I was a child I have looked forward to (enjoying)ed these days. My mother made exquisite sweets and a traditional Easter meal, and we met the whole family to enjoy together the representations of the Passion of Christ that parade/run through the streets about the passion of Crist.
First with my parents, and now with my children. My parents taught me to know and move through the narrow streets of this city full of people and tourists during these days, and to respect the traditions and celebrations, and now I am teaching this to my children.
Every Easter holiday I enjoy of my city and my family, and all are beautiful.


Ah ! . . la Pasqua en Sevilla !


Celebration of easter

(I have the lucky to) I'm very lucky because I live in a city with a wonderful celebration of Easter. It’s a southern city full of oranges trees that bloom on this season of the year, and the whole city smells of orange blossom perfume (azahar). Since I was a child (I looked forward enjoyed these days)(¿?), my mother made exquisite sweets and traditional easter meals and we meet the whole family to enjoy together the representations that run of running through the street about  by the passion of Crist.
First with my parents and now with my children. My parents taught me  know and how tomove through the narrow streets of this city full of people and tourist during these days and respect the traditions and celebrations, and now I am teaching to my children.
Every Easter holiday I enjoy of my city and my family and they all are all beautiful.




I'm not a native speaker and my English is perfect. But I just wanted to try to correct your text. And I would like to know what English native speakers think about it! Imhope you won't mind! 

I saw that you are Spanish so: Espero que no te importe que hall corregido tu texto solo quería probar, y ver que piensan los Inglese de mi corrección! Espero que no te importe!!!

Vives en Murcia??
