Pronunciation 101 Dear Italki Notebook (and to all of you reading this), I can't seem to grasp the difference between these letters: ㄱ - ㅋ - ㄲ ㄷ - ㅌ - ㄸ ㅂ - ㅍ - ㅃ(hard) ㅈ - ㅊ - ㅉ(hardest) From my own understanding; ㄱ - ㄷ - ㅂ (slight aspiration) ㅋ - ㅌ - ㅍ (strong aspiration) ㄲ - ㄸ - ㅃ (no aspiration) Goal: 1. Have somebody confirm this. 2. Practice. ♥레이첼
2015年11月30日 19:10
訂正 · 4
I thnk it's hard to explain by written. well, I would try to search youtube video. Good luck~
when these are the starting letters: ㄱ - k (as in kite) ㅋ - kh (as in khaki) ㄲ - g (as in gone) ㄷ - t (as in talk) ㅌ - t (as in tip) ㄸ - d (as in dog) ㅂ - p (as in pool) ㅍ - p (as in pit) ㅃ - b (as in bird) ㅈ - ch (as in chop) ㅊ - ch (as in itch) ㅉ - j (as in jim) hope that helps a tiny bit ^^
Your understanding is correct^^ But you just have to practice listening and speaking (with feedback!!!) Don't think too hard about it. There's a slight pause before double consonants and they sound higher in pitch. They're also harsher, not allowing any air out.
In the same boat as you. An answer would be great. I usually pronounce them similarly but I could never tell the difference.