Tomb sweeping day is a traditional Chinese festival which occurs around the April fifth in order to memorize Qu Yuan.
2024年5月1日 02:32
訂正 · 1
Tomb sweeping day is a traditional Chinese festival which occurs around the April fifth. It memorializes/honors Qu Yuan. OR Tomb sweeping day, which is a traditional Chinese festival honoring Qu Yuan, occurs around April fifth.
MEMORIZE is more like rembering facts for a test. Your original sentence makes it sound like the choice of the date, April 5 is what is required to memorialize Qu Yuan. Be careful about placing modifying phrases too far from what they are modifiying. i.e. 'in order to memorialize . . . etc." should be closer to "Tomb sweeping day" than to "which occurs around April fifth."
2024年5月1日 07:05