How to remember 16 Tense clearly? sometimes its almost same, so confusing><
2012年3月18日 12:15
回答 · 4
First of all, classify these sixteen tenses into four categories:Simple Forms, Progressive Forms Perfect Forms, Perfect Progressive Forms . The simple forms include simple present tense, simple past tense, simple future tense, and (simple) past future tense. The progressive forms include present progressive tense, past progressive tense, future progressive tense, and past future progressive tense. The perfect forms include present perfect tense, past perfect tense, future perfect tense, and past future perfect tense. The perfect progressive forms include present perfect progressive tense, past perfect progressive tense, future perfect progressive tense, and past future perfect progressive tense. Read a grammar book, try to find the similarities and differences among them.
You're trying to remember them all at once?? Make it easier for yourself: focus on the simple present and simple past forms to start with. Then work out the difference between simple and continuous forms. Then, have a try at understanding how the perfect tenses work. Work at it step-by-step. :)