Yu Chi
Could someone help correcting my lines in English? Mr. Yang, It's been a long time. Your hand is still so smooth. Stop sucking up my ass. You thought I will be nice to you if you kiss my butt? Mom, I stole the money today. I'm really disappointed about you, you know? You such a god damn sissy. Men were shame all because of you! There are many good movies on lately.. How about we go to get in line in advance? Sounds good! Let's go! Hey, man. How can you cut in line? Don't ever think you can cut in line because you are a heavyset. I'm on a winning streak. How about go to buy the scratch ticket? Great! Then we will get to have a fancy dinner. Ticket seller: Wanna get ten scratch tickets? Yeah. I want ten scratch tickets. I didn't hit the jackpot at all. You jinx. I should not take you with me. Thanks in advance!
2014年4月18日 12:55
回答 · 3
Mr. Yang, It's been a long time. Your hand is still so smooth. Stop kissing my ass. You think I will be nice to you if you kiss my butt? Mom, I stole the money today. I'm really disappointed in you, you know? You such a god damned sissy. Men are ashamed of you! (I'm assuming this is what you mean.) Lately, there have been a lot of good movies on.. How about we get in line in early? (advance works, but doesn't sound natural.) Sounds good! Let's go! Hey, man. How can you cut in line? Don't ever think you can cut in line because you are a big guy. (assuming, again, that this is what you mean. "heavyset" usually means someone who is a little bit fat, but not necessarily muscular. If that's what you mean then just "..because you're heavyset.") works.) I'm on a winning streak. Should I buy a scratch-off ticket? Great! Then we will get to have a fancy dinner. Ticket seller: Wanna get ten scratch tickets? Yeah, I want ten scratch tickets. I didn't hit the jackpot at all. You jinxed me. I shouldn't have taken you with me.