How to write a good English writing?
2014年7月28日 07:33
回答 · 8
Most students of English look upon a staggeringly huge number of words. It is large enough to discourage most from even trying. Actually, you can write very well and show fluency with a much smaller vocabulary. You can build that with becoming familiar with all words which pertain to Light. For example, in the list of four words I have shown you as key vocabulary, three of them pertain to Light. SEE is what we do only when Light is present. SHOW is what we do with Light, or the Light--of--Knowledge. CREATE is what occurred at the moment of Singularity associated with the "Big Bang" 13.8 billions years ago when Light was made manifest as the Cosmos. It is not the large number of words you know that make you sufficient as a communicator in Written English. It is the specific words you learn which can do everything for you. It is not massive studies which make you a good writer. It is "smart" studies. Study "smart". We do not want to study English like some kind of Beast---of---Burden. We want to study "smart". You can also say that you SHOW with "illuminating" thought or "illuminating" ideas.
Each sentences shows that you can express yourself very well if you familiarize yourself with SEE, SHOW, MAKE, and CREATE. Many words seen in published material are merely synonyms of these basic terms. From here, this is what you can do: (A) You can begin writing your own sentences, making slight changes in the examples I have given, using SEE, SHOW, MAKE, and CREATE. (B) You can do web searches with each word, looking for examples of these words as they appear in published sentences. (C) Four simple English words will form the basis of all of your knowledge. Beyond this however, there is another key to self expression and articulation of thought in English language. Become familiar with all syonyms for the word LIGHT. The entire Cosmos is made of LIGHT. If you focus upon learning all words which pertain to LIGHT Phenomena, you will by pass the common difficulty that foreign students have, which is this.
Hi Zylok: Everything begins with an assumption. What do you assume to be fact? You will need to identify within yourself, Scientific Assumptions, Philosophical Assumptions, Religious Assumptions, Legal Assumptions, Historical Assumptions and so forth and so on. What things do you refer to generally, as False? When you can identify What---You---Know, then you have a foundation. You must then know these things in the English Language. Let's look at some basic examples of basic subjects in life, that you should be able to decide. (a) Is there a God? (b) Should we accept what other people say without question? (c) Is the Universe Finite or Infinite? (d) Do human beings have rights? What rights to human beings have? (e) Is there such a thing as a Higher Consciousness? (f) Is Matter, Energy, Space, and Time all that exists? (g) Is Love the answer to anything? (h) Does human life have value? When you can identity basic assumptions as to what is true and what is false in human experience, you will have the ability to write in any language about general subjects. What I can tell you is that if our studies in a language are only preparing us to talk about household things, tourist travel, or the equivalent of What----Restaurants---Or---Movies---We---Like, we will not have much facility with written language. Here is a good starting point for you. There are about four key words in English which have many synonyms. They are SEE, SHOW, MAKE, CREATE. You should become familiar with these four words and their use in simple sentences at first. Let me give you some examples that you can begin working with to become a good communicator in written English. I will also use some of their synonyms. .
I agree with Peachey. And if you're not sure how to write something, look it up. It really helps. Read a lot of English texts and write some yourself if you can.
It's not magic. You need to practice and pay attention to what you write. Even native English speakers need to work towards a good result.
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