Questions about Self-help groups Self-help groups are groups of people who provide mutual support for each other. Self-help means Self-help consists of doing things myself to try and solve my own problems without depending on other people. But self-help groups share a particular problem with other people. It shows that I depend on others. Why is it said like this?
2014年8月21日 23:02
回答 · 15
See this professional discussion of "what is a self-help group?" Though it is a mental health web site, the discussion is generic and is capable of universal application.
We generally use "self-help" in reference to books that help someone better themselves. Groups of people trying to overcome something are called self help groups.
I think we normally say "support group" actually. As least I do. Haha
To attain self-help involves a learning process. The learning process has two elements: (1) the belief that "I need to do all the hard work to improve or support myself, and not rely on mother or a relative or a friend or an internet platform to do my work for me"; (2) the technical skills to do the work. A self-help group teach one another these two things. The goal is to be able to stand on one's own feet or to get rid of an addiction through determination and self-discipline.
Self-help groups are people who encourage and remind one another that "you need to do it yourself to help yourself". It is a human weakness to want others to do the work for you. Many learners here are lazy and just pose a question without saying what work they have done to try to answer the question. You, for example, in the past, had the habit of asking questions here without putting forward your own attempts for us to see. Now you have changed. You put forward your own attempts for us to correct. Self-help does not mean "you don't need help from others". It means "you will be responsible for yourself and you will do your fair share of work to help yourself."