Muslim Lady
가다 for future actions? 안녕하세요 Is 가다 verb used like in English to say that a person is "going to" do something? Example: "I am going to eat." Can I say it in Korean >> "저는 먹다 갑니다." ? If yes, can the "저는" be omitted here? (먹다 갑니다.) or will it change the meaning? 감사합니다
2014年9月1日 14:11
回答 · 2
"저는 먹으러 갑니다" is a correct expression. "저는 먹겠습니다" is also possible. "먹다 갑니다" is not correct.. It sounds like "I'm leaving now after eating." "저는" can be omitted depending on the context..