Don't let somebody else determine your behavior. What does it mean? In the following text, What is the meaning of the last sentence(Visible~behavior.)? 4. Trust is the most important factor Most negotiations take place in a climate of shared expectation. We expect that when we give in a little, the other side will give in a little, too. We expect that if we bargain in good faith, so will the other side. "Visible good will is the strongest negotiation stratege. Don't let somebody else determine your behavior."
2014年9月17日 04:17
回答 · 2
"visible good will" refers to acts of kindness that are public. Holding doors, being polite, helping people with various things, etc. From the second sentence, I understand this: Even if someone else is unkind to you, don't be unkind in return. In other words, don't let their behavior (being unkind) determine your behavior.