Does anyone want to practice French with me please? (if time difference isn't a problem) Hi guys, due to the time difference i havent really found a regular practice buddy yet... even though i've added lots of contacts, the time difference between "down under" (australia) and europe and america/uk is too great... and for anyone to be able to practice with me while being awake and conscious has been unsuccessful... lol :D So... just putting this message out there into the universe... please practice french with meeeeeeeeee! XD J'aime la lague Francaise et je voudrais la pratiquer s'il vouz plait... thanks :) ps i'm a beginner and i dont mind practicing with other beginners to bounce ideas off eachother n just have the chance to practice. just anyone who can say the basics in french... :D
2014年9月18日 02:07
回答 · 9
salut. si tu veux je peux discuter avec toi.... je suis francaise et je viens juste de m inscrire... au plaisir de te lire.
Si tu le souhaites je donne des cours de conversation pour améliorer le français des gens.
Hi there , I hope you're doing well , I think I can help you with french. Inbox me ..
salut Georgia!! ahh je suis heureurz ^_~ i can't speak much either haha but i think 2 heads are better than one! :D xoxo
Moi! Je voudrais le faire! Mais je ne peux pas le parler très bien. M'envoie un message, si tu veux ^^