the belly of the Beltway media beast I respected Gellman but not the Washington Post, which, to me, is the belly of the Beltway media beast, embodying all the worst attributes of US political media: excessive closeness to the government, reverence for the institutions of the national security state, routine exclusion of dissenting voices. What does "the belly of the Beltway media beast" mean? Thanks for your help.
2014年9月18日 13:00
回答 · 3
The "belly of the beast" is an idiom for the heart/essence/core of something evil (or in this case, the core of the issue/problem). The "Beltway" refers to Washington DC because there is a beltway (highway bypass) around Washington DC. So if you're in Washington DC, you're "inside" the Beltway. It's also used in the context of being a political Insider. In this case, it's referring to the way the author feels that the Washington Post covers Washington/government politics.
torusan is right and I had added some more information: the origin of this idiom.
In the belly of the beast 《在巨兽的肚子里》是1981年出版的一本小说,小说的作者Jack Abbott是一个假释出狱的犯人。小说以他在狱中所见的各种残酷、不公的可怕现象、事件为素材。作者把美国的监狱系统比作一头巨兽,他把自己坐牢比喻成“在巨兽的肚子里”。 该小说出版以后反响很大。《纽约时报》做了专题采访,使得这本书一时广为人知,以至于(in) the belly of the beast成了一个熟语,很多人都知道(当然也有很多人不知道,就像对很多人来说,“马甲”的一个意思是“伪装”,对另一些人来说,它则没有这个意思,因为它不知道)。后来相继又有以此为名(或稍变)的戏剧、电影、电视等面世,使得这一熟语流行范围更广了。 总而言之,(the belly of) the beast 就是指巨大、邪恶、不公正而又难以对付的可怕事物,如一个司法或政权体系,一个网络遍及广大地区的跨国公司或一家触角伸得很广很深立场又不公正的报社、电视台等等。(不过,顺便说一句题外话,这本书的作者似乎确实不是什么好鸟,他刚刚假释出狱就在餐馆里杀死了一个服务员。后来因此再度入狱,坐了20年,没有把牢底坐穿,后来自己了断了。尼玛你要是杀死一个坏警察,那还算你是条汉子,你杀死一个餐馆服务员,你说你算个啥玩意儿?)