What is the difference between two words. What is the difference between a gate and a entrance?
2014年9月21日 07:06
回答 · 4
An entrance is less specific in meaning, and more general. Example. The way into a walled city could be an enormous opening or gate. If I have a fenced garden, the opening in the fence would be called a gate. Most "gates" refer to an entrance that is outside of a home. However, then can be a gate in a home, and one example is for the enclosure where a baby or child play in a room. An entrance can be a doorway to a residence or building. An entrance can also be the opening of a cave in a mountain or the place at which one enters a manmade mine. A path can be an entrance to a forest. A particular skill set or ability can offer an entrance into a specific career. Passing an exam can serve for an entrance into a college or university or school. One can find that a specific action can serve for an entrance into a certain kind of experience. One can find an entrance into a pleasant state of mind by releasing fears, such as when one follows the adage; "Let Go, and Let God." Denver, Colorado in the United States has been referred to as the "Gateway to the Rocky Mountains".
All gates are entrances (or exits) , but not all entrances are gates. An entrance is a very general word - it's just a way into a place. A gate is a type of entrance. You would go into a garden or a field, for example, through a gate. We also talk about 'gates' for airport terminals, but that is a slightly different use of the word.
Gates, doors, and archways are all types of entrance where you change from being outside to being inside.
Hi Esther, A Gate is a type of 'entrance'.