How can I improve my speak english? Hi, I'm a new participant in this site and found this when I'm searching on google "ways to improve my speak english". I live in Brazil and I haven't friends or parents with advanced english to practice with me. When I go to USA, I understand what the people saying and I can understand what I read, but when it's my time to speak, I stay in shock and blocked, trying to say and forgotting all the words, like: a-a-a...or-or-or. Ridiculous! In next december, me and my fiancée will go to NYC and stay for 15 days in a house with another americans, so I really want speak naturally with my roomates! Please, help me! (and correct my text!)
2014年10月21日 00:31
回答 · 7
If you wrote the above your English is better than 40% of Americans. If you want to talk on Skype, message me.
Search for a language exchange partner (http://www.italki.com/partners?src=italki-footer), or find a tutor! If you have a language exchange partner, have a topic ready for discussion each time you meet. Maybe you can practice dialogues in a restaurant, while shopping, when talking about family, etc... Practicing with a tutor or partner will help you build confidence and make it easier to speak about the same topics on the spot.