What most american think about S.Korea? Guys! I have a question. What most american think about S.Korea? Most people know about S.Korea? If know about S.Korea, do they know S.Korea well? or Just know being? If you want to know something, can you tell me? :)
2014年10月25日 13:27
回答 · 2
I live in Northern Virginia, so I have known a lot of Koreans. My boss, for instance, is Korean. The only thing that has ever truly puzzled me was that one time I had a lunch at a Korean restaurant that specialized in soups. Most of the food was very good, but everyone had a cup of soup that was white along with their meal. When I tried it, it tasted like nothing but hot water. I found myself watching the other restaurant patrons to see what they did with the soup as I felt that there must be something that one does with it to give it flavor, but I saw nothing. Later on a Korean friend told me that it is a kind of "healthy" soup and that some Koreans feel that a healthy soup should not have flavor. It was definitely one of my most awkward eating experiences in a foreign (to me) restaurant.
I know very little about S. Korea, specifically. I have a friend whose mother is from there, and all I really know from her is about Kimchi and that her mother was very particular about having things ordered and clean. My parents also had Korean neighbors who were very nice people, but also had very high expectations on their children's performance in school. I used to tutor their son for the verbal portion of his SAT, and he had a high score before I tutored him, but his parents wanted it to be higher. I think there is a bit of a stereotype with Koreans who live in America that they don't want their children to marry Americans (more so than other Asian nationalities). I try not to make generalizations, but from what I've experienced of Koreans, they are very nice people and have high expectations. I think there is also a general feeling of cheering for S. Korea because we know how horrible N. Korea is, and we hope you all stay safe in case N. Korea's crazy leaders try any kind of invasion. We would support S. Korea, of course!