I need to translate 5 short sentences to Spanish :))))) Can anyone help me translate it, please? :)))) Translation to Spanish: - Practice of Present Progressive - Now you know Present Progressive grammar, so we will practice it. - good answer / good! - who knows the answer? - now, my friend will talk about comparisons
2014年11月19日 21:38
回答 · 3
- Practiquemos/Práctica/Ejecicios sobre el Presente Progresivo. (Practice of Present Progressive) - Ahora que sabemos algo sobre el Presente Progresivo, vamos a practicarlo. (Now you know Present Progressive grammar, so we will practice it.) - La respuesta es correcta/Muy bien! (good answer / good!) - ¿Quién sabe la respuesta? (who knows the answer?) - Ahora mi amigo/amiga hablará/va a hablarles sobre las comparaciones (now, my friend will talk about comparisons) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Buena suerte y espero te haya servido de algo! have a nice day Johanna! :)
In Spanish is more common the use of "presente continuo" as "present progressive" no "presente progresivo"