What's the meaning of this long sentance? "Smooth and as usual treading the fine line that comes just before smarmy, he had delighted a young and overexcited crowd with vague references to the 'mother' and had sold a few thousands worth of goods in assition to his usual hefty fee, but what use was money without the pussy?" Is that means the man did and said something to make girls delighted and excited, and by selling goods, he had made l lot of money? But what the meaning of "treading the fine line and 'mother' " parts? Thank you~
2014年11月29日 09:50
回答 · 2
His behavior was very close to smarmy, but not quite. He's very smooth, but not so smooth that it sounds insincere. For the second part, it's a little hard to tell without more context, but it sounds as if he refers to his mother in his speech to the crowd and they find it endearing.