Daniel Bill
怎么用中文写这些句子? 请你帮我的忙。怎么用中文写这些下的句子?I've put my guesses below. 1) The price of tickets is much higher than usual because there are a lot of people who want to buy tickets. 票的价格比平时贵因为很多人想买票。 2) How much do you have to pay per day to eat at the foreign students' cafeteria? 学校的餐厅多少钱一个天? 3) How does a student who receives no scholarship money and does not work support himself without an income? 没奖学金没工作的学生哪里过日子没有任何收入? 4) When I went to the United States, I went to visit many museums. Generally speaking, the ticket salespeople were very polite to foreigners; therefore, I was not treated unfairly. 我去美国的时候,我看到很多博物院了。一般来说,卖票的人对外国人很和气,所以我没受到不平等的待遇。
2014年12月2日 16:59
回答 · 3
1) The price of tickets is much higher than usual because there are a lot of people who want to buy tickets. 票价比平时高很多,因为很多人都想买票。 2) How much do you have to pay per day to eat at the foreign students' cafeteria? 在留学生餐厅用餐一天需要花费多少? 3) How does a student who receives no scholarship money and does not work support himself without an income? 没有奖学金也不打工的学生在没有收入的情况下如何维持生计? 4) When I went to the United States, I went to visit many museums. Generally speaking, the ticket salespeople were very polite to foreigners; therefore, I was not treated unfairly. 我去美国的时候参观了很多博物馆。售票员对外国人基本上都很友好,我没有受到不平等的待遇。
1、越多人买票,票价越高. 2、在留学生餐厅吃饭,你每天要付多少钱? 3、没有奖学金,没有工作收入,学生怎样生存? 4) When I went to the United States, I went to visit many museums. Generally speaking, the ticket salespeople were very polite to foreigners; therefore, I was not treated unfairly. 当我去美国时,我会参观很多博物馆。一般情况下,售票员对待外国人很有礼貌,也正因为如此,我并没有受到过不合理对待。
The answers are mostly quite good already and entirely comprehensible: Just a few suggestions as noted below: 1. 因为很多人想要买票,票价比平常贵很多。 2. 请问在外国学生的自助餐馆用餐一天要多少钱? 3. (请问)一个没有奖学金也没有工作收入的学生如何养活自己呢? 4. 我去美国玩的时候,参观了很多家博物馆。通常买票的人对外国人很和气,所以我没有受到不平等的待遇/没有给我不平等的待遇。