How good is my translation? Original Text: 深蓝色的夜空中,星星一闪一闪地眨着眼睛。 青青草原上,小羊们 围坐在一起, 望着星空, 谈论着自己的愿望。他们可不知道, 一旁的草丛里, 有一双眼睛正恶狠狠地盯着他们。 I have translated as: In the deep blue night sky, the stars were twinkling. On the green grass, the lambs were sitting together in a circle looking up into the starry sky and talking about their desires. They did not know that beside them in the bushes there was a pair of fierce looking eyes starring right at them. Thank you.
2015年1月24日 18:59
回答 · 2
I'd say it's perfect ;)