What do you think about character education? I enrolled a course about character education. What do you think about character education? Who should be involved on teaching characters and building virtuous traits to students? And what do you think is the best character that should be taught to children? How do we teach it? I, sometimes have a problem on defining these words: character, personality, traits. Can anybody help me to get a better understanding about it?
2015年1月30日 04:36
回答 · 4
Hey Alice! Thank you for the explanations, that's really help! Yeah I also think that kindness is the foundation of every good virtues. Honesty is also a good virtue that should be teach during the childhood. I agree that giving a real example is a good way to teach them, it's much better than explain things out because children can see it right away and copy it when we do it. :) I'm looking forward to talk to you soon, Alice.
Apologies, I can't get the formatting to work well in the comments section, I hope it is ok to read.
Hi Elisa, Here in Western Australia virtues are often taught in the classroom. Things like love, kindness, generousity, often they are based on the Virtues Project: http://www.virtuesproject.com/ I believe that the best virtue to teach is kindness, all goodness comes from there. How we teach it is by leading by example (doing it ourselves), giving examples to children of circumstances and discussing how they might approach others from the consideration of kindness. You could also give them 'kindness assignments' for example, between now and the end of the day perform three kind acts. You could also have them look at famous people in history who have used these virtues, e.g. Mother Teresa. In regard to the words 'character, personality and traits' they are very similar words are are considered synonyms. I would that trait refers to a specific characteristic of an individual, and that their character or personality is the sum of all of their traits. Here is a good website giving examples of character traits: http://examples.yourdictionary.com/character-trait-examples.html Hope some of that helps.
It's a very broad topic. To reach the depth of the topic, it is recommended that you start by reading philosophy and especially the philosophical texts on 'ethics'. Starting by Plato and Aristotle wouldn't be bad.