meaning What does "if the formula proved popular, it was because the little twist rewarded audiences who came back for more." want to say at the end of the following paragraph? Does "the little twist" refer to the "formula strip" whose creation changed the world of comics or to the little changes that would later apply to this formula weekly to make each week's comic a little different than the other weeks'? "Outcault solidified the idea of the formula strip in Buster Brown, whereby the basic plot ingredients were well established and the strip would always feature the same concluding panel where Buster gave with mock seriousness the "moral" he garnered from his misadventure. This formula created greater continuity in the comic strips. It also liberated comic artists from having to reinvent their strips each week; and if the formula proved popular, it was because the little twist rewarded audiences who came back for more."
2015年2月27日 15:25
回答 · 1
I would interpret 'the little twist' to mean the panels that had new content. Because the concluding panel was always the same, there was no twist in it - it was the panels that preceded it.