Wu Ting
How would you interpret this sentence? She held up the letter. “It’s just a form. They say it’s gone out to all employees of the Department of State.” “I don’t believe I’ll be shipping any more art for the government.” “Present or previous, it says. They need you to sign a statement saying you’re loyal to the United States government.” “Goodness. Why wouldn’t I be?” She moved her glasses from her head to her nose, and read: “Due to close wartime cooperation between the United States and Russia, certain strategic areas of our government may have been opened to Communist sympathizers. As of March 21, 1947, the President and Congress have undertaken to secure the loyalty of all government workers.” “Very cloak and dagger. Where do I sign?” She approached the bench. “Are you sure you ought, Mr. Shepherd? If you aren’t looking to work for the government again, maybe there isn’t need.” “Are you doubting my loyalty?” She surrendered the letter for signature.“Mrs. Brown, I don’t hate much and I don’t love much. I’m a free man. But I love writing books for Americans. Look at those letters, all that sky-blue goodness, this country is the berries. And Joseph Stalin murdered my friend. He would have gotten me too, if I’d stood in the way.” How would you interpret this sentence: all that sky-blue goodness, this country is the berries? Thanks!PS: He was a novelist and ‘those letters’ refered to the letters sent by readers.
2015年3月7日 01:10
回答 · 1
"This country is the berries" is an outdated idiom that I've never heard used in my life. (I was a kid in the 1950s). It may have been old-fashioned even in the 1940s. "Is the berries" means "is great," "wonderful," "terrific." It's colloquial or slangy. He's being ironic here. He is loyal to the United States, he dislikes being ordered to sign a loyalty oath, but has decided not to object. I'm not familiar with any phrase like "sky-blue goodness." The idiom "true blue" means "loyal."