Devina Samantha
what is the different / when do i use 能,可能,会,和 可以 Hi, i've been learning mandarin for quite a while. I have asked some of my chinese friend i find from italki, but i still don't really get on how to differentiate these 3 mandarin words. All has the same meaning as in 'i can'. But sometimes i get confused on which word should i use, is it 会, 可以,能,还是 可能?The same goes for the negative form, i get confused on when do i use the word 不会, 不可以, 不能, 还是 不可能。 Please give me the difference of these words, and an example would be great. I really appreciate your help, tahnkyou verymuch and have a nice day! -Devina
2015年3月26日 03:55
回答 · 10
Hello! 可以 is best translated as "may." It means you can do something in the sense that you have permission to do it. For example: 你可以自己选。(You may choose for yourself.) 你不可以逃棵。 (You may not skip class.) 会 means being able to do something that requires a certain skill or some kind of study to do. For example: 我会说中文。(I can speak Chinese.) 我不会开车。(I don't know how to drive.) 能 means having the physical ability to do something. For example: 我们只能继续工作。(The only thing we can do is continue working.) 我不能开门。(I can't open the door.) 能 can also relate to an ability based on time or availability: 我不能去,我得上课。(I can't go, I have to go to class.) 可能 means "maybe" or "possibility." For example: 他可能要去。(Maybe he will go.) 不可能吧! (That's impossible!)
1.when I say 我会说中文, I mean I can speak .native speekers sometimes think that you a renot bad at it when you use "会" 2.when I say 我可以说中文, I mean I can speak it and you could choose to let me speak it or not,so it is not very common if you just want to tell him you only can speak a litte 3.when I say 我能说中文, yes,I have the ability to say something in Chinese 4..我可能说中文, we don't say this... but we say " 我可能说中文了" here l is a must ,mean 我中文说的非常非常好,very good at that
能,会,可以 都是肯定语气,表示你肯定告诉别人我能办到,我会办到,我可以办到;而可能是不确定的语气:表示我不一定办到。
ithought the first guy has clearified your questions clearly.?
能 = 可以 = can I can cook for you if u are tired. 会 = be able to I am able to cook ------- I have the ability of cooking. 可能 = maybe