If I am speaking to a stranger in my age, would I use ''Tu'' or ''Vous''? Help?
2015年4月17日 07:52
回答 · 5
Bonjour, Si vous parlez à un enfant ou à un adolescent, ainsi qu'à votre famille, utilisez "tu" Nous utilisons "vous" quand nous parlons à des personnes inconnues, ou à des adultes, votre employeur, par exemple. Hi! If you're talking to a kid or a teenager, or to your relatives you can use "tu". We use "vous" when we are talking to people we don't know or adults, your employer, for example. "Vous" is a mark of repect. :-)
Hi Natalia, You should go for "vous" if... • the person is your superior (even though he or she is as old as you). • you're in a professional relationship (e.g. in business). You should go for "tu" if... • you're speaking to an equal (e.g. a classmate, even though she or he is a stranger). In case of doubt, you can... • ask the person what he or she prefers. • start with "vous", and see if the person asks you to switch to "tu". Finally, it is advisable to listen to what other people, similar to you in status, call the person. Hope that helps !
It often depends on the context. If the stranger of your age is a waiter in a restaurant or a clerk behind the counter in an office or shop, for example, you would use 'vous' because this is a professional relationship. If the stranger is someone you meet at a party or other informal social or student event, then you are equals, and 'tu' would be appropriate. It may be wise use 'vous' if you're not sure. It's definitely better to amuse someone by appearing over-formal than to offend someone by appearing disrespectful. If you 'tutoie' a waiter, even one your own age, he may presume you are talking down to him and be insulted. If you call someone 'vous' when they're expecting 'tu', they won't mind - they'll just presume it's a cultural difference. In that case, they'll probably invite you to use 'tu', or just use it anyway and then you can take your cue from them and switch to 'tu'.
The rules vary from place to place, and your personality and that of the other person are relevant as well. You don't say your age, but based on your picture, I believe tu would be most appropriate. The use of "tu" in French is similar to using a first name in English (as opposed to a last name with Mr or Mrs, which is the equivalent of "vous").
Please use-vous