What is the difference with "wieners" and "sausage"? When I went to grocery store, I saw "wieners" on a package, "sausage" on another package. They are from same company, same package design, same size, even the product colors look similar. But what is the different?
2015年4月19日 01:27
回答 · 8
wieners is hot dog (in America). the flavor is plain. Americans eat it with a hot dog bun. ketchup, mustard and other toppings. it is cooked on the grill or microwave. sausage has flavor and is usually spicy. Americans eat it with pasta. This needs to be cooked longer than wieners. I am not sure what it is like in other countries so answers may vary.
Wiener is a slang word in America and Britain. It's another word for a male's penis and is easy to poke fun at when used in a sentence aloud. Sausage is more accepted and sounds better aloud. They are both the same thing only wieners in food can be thin, straight, and a red color while sausages are thick, curved, and are shades of beige often with speckles upon them.
haha, uhm they are both similar when described of whats in them and size, but I would avoid using the word "wiener". Wiener is another word for penis, and most people are childish and will laugh when you mention it, so to avoid the situation all together just say sausage.