My mom vs our mom 우리 엄마 I'm confused... Sometimes if someone says my mom, they say our mom instead (우리 엄마). If I want to say "my mom" do I always use 우리 엄마? Also, for things like my friend, my house, etc. do I use 우리 as well? Or can I use 제? Basically when should I use 우리 vs 제 (our vs my).
2015年5月4日 20:15
回答 · 6
From how it was explained to me, Koreans view the English language as kind of...selfish. Not in a bad way, but we talk about things in our own view instead of everyone else. So to answer your question, unless you're talking about your own body, use 우리. :]
우리 with family and family things. ex. 우리 엄마, 우리 집, 우리 고양이 제 with personal things (a family member isn't yours and yours alone haha)(BUT NOT BODY PARTS) ex. 제 친구, 제 이름