Could you help me out with translation, please Hi! I wanna hike this particular route and to learn more about it, but there is only one note and it's in Norwegian. Rune tok initiativet til utforsking av ruta frå Hogrenning til Skåla, og underteikna og Kåre var ikkje tungbedde når forslaget kom opp. Torsdag 2. juli i halv sju-tida la vi i veg på traktorvegen oppover til Hogrenningsætra. Her kom vi til open bjørkeskog og flotte støylshus. Vi følgje taktorvegen vidare omlag ein kilometer innover dalen. Dette skulle syne seg å vere ein tabbe - for omlag hundre meter ovanfor sætra såg vi ein sti gå til venstre for vegen. Etter mykje krabbing under bjørkeskogen vidare oppover dalen, kom vi etter kvart inn på stien som tidlegare omtala. Denne følgde vi vidare til elva som kjem ned frå Austerdalen. Elva var flomstor, men nokre 2x8" plankar som låg der vart lagt over elva slik at vi kunne kome oss vidare oppover mot Hellsetebotnen.
2015年5月23日 08:17
回答 · 2
Sure! One thing that is worth noting, though, is that this text is written in nynorsk, a written form of Norwegian that is mostly written in the western part of Norway. Unless you live in the western part of Norway, people learning Norwegian as a non-native language will encounter almost only bokmål, the other written form. The differences between bokmål and nynorsk are mostly small, just regular words being written differently. Now, the translation: Rune took the initiative in exploring the route from Hogrenning to Skåla, og the writer and Kåre were not hard to convince when he suggested this. Thursday the 2nd of July around 6:30 AM we started walking on the farm road up towards Hogrenningsætra. Here we encountered open birch forest and great shieling huts. We walked along the farm road about one kilometer into the valley.This would later appear to be a blooper, because about a hundred metres above the shieling we saw a path that went left of the road. After a lot of crawling under the birch forest up the valley, we finally encountered the previously mentioned path. We followed this path to the river coming down from Austerdalen. The river was large due to flood, but some 2x8" planks lying there were put like a bridge over the river, making us able to continue walking up against Hellsetebotnen.