What does bluebottle has to do with he wall at Chequers? I'm sure you've got better ideas of how to spend a bank holiday Monday than me.But I wouldn't mind being that bluebottle on the wall at Chequers tonight, assuming the government's fly-swatters aren't up to much. Those eligible - the franchise - will be the same as those who can vote in a general election, rather than local or European Parliament elections. What is meant by "the franchise"? (I guess not Srar Wars:)) )Source: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-32872211
2015年5月26日 06:59
回答 · 5
This is something about politics in England.It would be better if you gave us the exact text (where it is taken from ) and the context. Chequers is the residence of the Prime Minister of the UK, and a bluebottle is a kind of fly,so this relates to the idea of a "fly on a wall",someone who can listen into a private conversation without being noticed or seen.The franchise are the people who are entitled to vote in an election.SO it is referring to listening to a private conversation at the Prime Ministers' private residence.
The usual saying is "I'd love to be a fly on the wall," meaning "I'd love to hear what actually goes on at a secret meeting." Because "I'd love to be a fly on the wall" is such a stock expression, the writer decided to add just a little dash of originality to it by using the word "bluebottle" (a specific species of fly) instead of just saying "fly."