can you explain this word 각광 (脚光) 각광2脚光 사회적 관심이나 흥미. ‘주목3’으로 순화. 예)그 각광은 며칠 못 가서 꺼지고 그림들은 회기도 다 채우지 못하고 이렇게 낙엽이 되어야 했던 것이다. can you explain this word and its usage (in English)?
2015年5月29日 11:11
回答 · 4
각광 spotlight, limelight. 각광받다 be in the spotlight, limelight. 삼성 스마트폰 각광 samsung phone in the spotlight. 미국여행이 각광받고 있다. Traveling to America is in the spotlight. But I think this word is different. Of course we know what it means. But it is hardly used as a spoken word. We usually see 각광 in the newspapers. I hope It will help.