Is my version of the translation into chinese correct? What I want to express in Chinese: Xiaoyun is my good friend. Together we learn Chinese, we learn quickly. We have learned Chinese for 2 years. He is more fluent in Chinese than I am. I think that German is easier than chinese. We like to go to the library to study together. We are students at the University of Berlin. Xiaoyun learns a lot and knows a lot. My grades are lower than his. I think he knows more than I know. Here is my version: 小云是我的 好朋友。 我们一起学中文,学得很快。 我们已经学了汉语两年了。他汉语比我说得流利。我德语比想中文容易。我们很喜欢去图书馆一起学习。我们是柏林大学的学生。小云学得很多,知道的很多。我的分数比他的低。我想他比我知道得多。 My Quesion: Is my chinese translation correct?
2015年6月14日 09:23
回答 · 1
Very well done! Just one small sentence to correct:I think that German is easier than Chinese. 我覺得德文比中文容易