لا يأتي علينا زمان إلا بكينا منه، ولا يتوالى عنا زمان إ This sentence is from the book titled «مستظرف» by الأبْشيهيّ. I wonder what it means. لا يأتي علينا زمان إلا بكينا منه، ولا يتوالى* عنا زمان إلا بكينا عليه. * In my book this word is يتوالى, but the versions I found on the net is يتولى. Which one is right, by the way?
2015年6月19日 06:23
回答 · 5
يتوالى is the correct one and the whole sentence means "there is no time that comes that we don't cry from it, and there is no time/era that go away/ pass that we don't cry over it " It means that you cry of the time now as you see it's so difficult and then you regret that that time is gone and will never come back again .... يتوالى = to continue coming يتولى =to go away (for ppl)
I liked the quote :)