what does "play Easter Bunny in a few"mean? “Really. And now I have to burn it out of my memory. Come on, Barbie. Let’s take Sadie for a walk.” But Sadie sprawled out again, yawned hugely. “I’d say Sadie’s taking a pass,” Tricia observed. “Fine. Just you and me, Barbie. We’ll be back to play Easter Bunny in a few.”
2015年7月1日 09:48
回答 · 2
I'm not sure what the reference to Easter Bunny is (I'd need to read a lot more), but "in a few" means a short while: in a few minutes, in a few moments... maybe even in a few hours, if the context suggests it.
Is it Easter time? If so - it could just mean that they were going to give out Easter Eggs.