How do you say ? Does it exist to say : Follow me up ? If yes what's the difference with "follow me" ?
2015年7月3日 20:55
回答 · 2
I don't think so. I've never heard of 'follow me up'. The phrasal verb 'follow something up' means to seek more information about something, or to take further action with regard to something. You can follow up an idea or an enquiry, but it makes no sense to follow a person up. If you want someone to follow you, you'd simply say 'follow me'.
You would only use 'follow me up' if you were telling someone to follow or come with you somewhere, like up stairs. ex: "Follow me up to the attic. " To 'follow up' means to check back on a topic or previous discussion. ex:" I have a question to follow up on the conversation we had last week."