Does anyone know any good French rock bands? I have looked around but usually I find French rock artists that sing English songs. I think I have the whole album catalog of Dionysos. They have a lot of songs that are in English which I'm not looking for. I also have an album by Noir Desir, and it's alright. Are there any other bands out there that sing just French? Here are some other ones I've listened to: Warrior Kids (French punk rock band that I really enjoy) Nous Non Plus (a faux French band*) Les Sans Culottes (another faux French band*) *It's just what the genre is called. Many of these artists come from English speaking countries and just are lovers of French language and culture.
2015年7月10日 08:17
回答 · 2
Well, if you like Warrior Kids, you can try: La Mano Negra: they sang in French, English and Spanish. Very good ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4MG_ibE6kk Trust, a punk band. "Antisocial" is an anthem in France : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfD8Dnh2xho Oberkampf, a punk band that I like : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDdx-TFza3c (you know this song :) Zebda, very good texts !!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aBsXeRxAgc&list=PLD2900686151E029E (a lot of slang and difficult to understand I think, but beautiful today's French nonetheless)
I don't know a lot about rock bands, but I found some on Google and I picked the more famous :) I hope you will enjoy it Indochine is a really famous band, I think it's the more famous, they do kind of pop rock music Téléphone is a really famous one too ! Les Rita Mitsouko Those three are old, if you're looking for more recent bands, they're are : Kyo (okay, it's kinda old too haha), BB Brunes, Superbus.