what is the difference between "modest" and "humble"
2015年7月28日 09:20
回答 · 6
In terms of personality, a modest person does not boast about achievements, real or imagined. It is an observable trait. Not so easily distinguished, a humble personality does not seek to assert itself or influence others overtly. In short, modesty is external and humility internal.
"Modest" is literally the opposite of "proud," and "proud" literally means "swollen," like a rooster's comb. However, "proud" usually means a feeling of superiority and a willingness to show it. "Modesty" means not bragging or flaunting your wealth or achievements. "Humble" means "low in social rank, poor, unpretentious." Because people are usually not proud of having a low social rank, humble people are usually modest. A rich person who owns huge opulent homes, let's say hypothetically in places like Manhattan, Palm Springs, Palm Beach, Palm Springs and Rancho Palos Verdes constantly says things like "I am really rich" is neither humble nor modest. (I'm making a joke about U.S. politics but I won't explain it). A rich person who lives in a small house, drives a mid-range car, and makes big anonymous donations to charity is not humble, but is modest.
Here is the definition of "modest", from the Oxford Dictionaries: Adjective 1Unassuming in the estimation of one’s abilities or achievements:he was a very modest man, refusing to take any credit for the enterprise 2(Of an amount, rate, or level) relativelymoderate, limited, or small:drink modest amounts of alcoholemployment growth was relatively modest 2.1Not large, elaborate, or expensive:a modest flat in Fulhamit was a nice wedding, necessarilymodest 3(Of a woman) dressing or behaving so as to avoid impropriety or indecency, especially to avoid attracting sexual attention:the modest women wear long-sleeveddresses and all but cover their faces 3.1(Of clothing) not revealing or emphasizing a person’s figure:modest dress means that hemlinesmust be below the knee - END - See if you can show us the definition of "humble" and then compare and contrast the two words for us.